Results 1 - 50 of 179 results
The structural origins of brittle star arm kinematics: An integrated tomographic, additive manufacturing, and parametric modeling-based approach. , Tomholt L., J Struct Biol. July 1, 2020; 211 (1): 107481.
In vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activities, and in vivo anti-inflammatory activity of crude and fractionated PHNQs from sea urchin (Evechinus chloroticus). , Hou Y., Food Chem. June 30, 2020; 316 126339.
Use of sea urchin spines with chitosan gel for biodegradable film production. , Hamil S., Int J Biol Macromol. June 1, 2020; 152 102-108.
Quantitative 3D structural analysis of the cellular microstructure of sea urchin spines (II): Large-volume structural analysis. , Chen H., Acta Biomater. April 15, 2020; 107 218-231.
Short- and long-term impacts of variable hypoxia exposures on kelp forest sea urchins. , Low NHN., Sci Rep. February 14, 2020; 10 (1): 2632.
The role of fasting on spine regeneration and bacteremia in the purple sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. , Scholnick DA., PLoS One. January 1, 2020; 15 (2): e0228711.
In vitro study of the scolicidal effects of Echinometra mathaei spine and shell extracts on hydatid cyst protoscolices. , Navvabi A., Exp Parasitol. August 1, 2019; 203 19-22.
Ancient role of vasopressin/oxytocin-type neuropeptides as regulators of feeding revealed in an echinoderm. , Odekunle EA., BMC Biol. July 31, 2019; 17 (1): 60.
On Biomineralization: Enzymes Switch on Mesocrystal Assembly. , Rao A., ACS Cent Sci. February 27, 2019; 5 (2): 357-364.
Extraction, structural characterization and stability of polyhydroxylated naphthoquinones from shell and spine of New Zealand sea urchin (Evechinus chloroticus). , Hou Y., Food Chem. January 30, 2019; 272 379-387.
Atlantic West Ophiothrix spp. in the scope of integrative taxonomy: Confirming the existence of Ophiothrix trindadensis Tommasi, 1970. , Alitto RADS., PLoS One. January 1, 2019; 14 (1): e0210331.
Sea stars of the genus Henricia Gray, 1840 (Echinodermata, Asteroidea) from Vostok Bay, Sea of Japan. , Chichvarkhin A., PeerJ. January 1, 2019; 7 e6585.
From hemoglobin to urchin spicules. , Wilt F ., Methods Cell Biol. January 1, 2019; 151 43-45.
Echinoids from the Tesero Member (Werfen Formation) of the Dolomites (Italy): implications for extinction and survival of echinoids in the aftermath of the end-Permian mass extinction. , Thompson JR., PeerJ. January 1, 2019; 7 e7361.
Brittle stars looking like starfish: the first fossil record of the Astrophiuridae and a remarkable case of convergent evolution. , Thuy B., PeerJ. January 1, 2019; 7 e8008.
Echinometra mathaei and its ectocommensal shrimps: the role of sea urchin spinochrome pigments in the symbiotic association. , Brasseur L., Sci Rep. December 3, 2018; 8 (1): 17540.
Development of Phosphatized Calcium Carbonate Biominerals as Bioactive Bone Graft Substitute Materials, Part I: Incorporation of Magnesium and Strontium Ions. , Sethmann I., J Funct Biomater. December 2, 2018; 9 (4):
Putative chemosensory receptors are differentially expressed in the sensory organs of male and female crown-of-thorns starfish, Acanthaster planci. , Roberts RE., BMC Genomics. November 29, 2018; 19 (1): 853.
Development of Phosphatized Calcium Carbonate Biominerals as Bioactive Bone Graft Substitute Materials, Part II: Functionalization with Antibacterial Silver Ions. , Sethmann I., J Funct Biomater. November 23, 2018; 9 (4):
Mycobacterial Tenosynovitis After Sea Urchin Spine Injury in an Immunocompromised Patient. , Vargas CR., Open Forum Infect Dis. November 2, 2018; 5 (11): ofy285.
Needle in a haystack-genetic evidence confirms the expansion of the alien echinoid Diadema setosum (Echinoidea: Diadematidae) to the Mediterranean coast of Israel. , Bronstein O., Zootaxa. October 11, 2018; 4497 (4): 593-599.
The Role of Male Variation in Fertilization Success in Determining the Costs and Benefits of Polyandry in the Broadcast Spawning Urchin Lytechinus variegatus. , Betters M., Biol Bull. October 1, 2018; 235 (2): 63-70.
Strength-size relationships in two porous biological materials. , Lauer C., Acta Biomater. September 1, 2018; 77 322-332.
The sea urchin Diadema africanum uses low resolution vision to find shelter and deter enemies. , Kirwan JD ., J Exp Biol. July 16, 2018; 221 (Pt 14):
Cidaroids spines facing ocean acidification. , Dery A., Mar Environ Res. July 1, 2018; 138 9-18.
Brittle-star mass occurrence on a Late Cretaceous methane seep from South Dakota, USA. , Thuy B., Sci Rep. June 25, 2018; 8 (1): 9617.
Unravelling the origin of the basket stars and their allies (Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea, Euryalida). , Thuy B., Sci Rep. May 31, 2018; 8 (1): 8493.
A taxonomic review of the genus Astrodendrum (Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea, Euryalida, Gorgonocephalidae) with description of a new species from Japan. , Okanishi M., Zootaxa. March 8, 2018; 4392 (2): 289-310.
The complex simplicity of the brittle star nervous system. , Zueva O ., Front Zool. February 1, 2018; 15 1.
Case report: skin injury after contact with a red spine starfish, Protoreaster lincki. , Tammaro A., Contact Dermatitis. January 1, 2018; 78 (1): 95-96.
Pedal peptide/orcokinin-type neuropeptide signaling in a deuterostome: The anatomy and pharmacology of starfish myorelaxant peptide in Asterias rubens. , Lin M., J Comp Neurol. December 15, 2017; 525 (18): 3890-3917.
Mesocrystalline calcium silicate hydrate: A bioinspired route toward elastic concrete materials. , Picker A., Sci Adv. November 29, 2017; 3 (11): e1701216.
New biomarkers of post-settlement growth in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. , Fadl AEA., Heliyon. October 3, 2017; 3 (10): e00412.
Functional Characterization of Paralogous Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone-Type and Corazonin-Type Neuropeptides in an Echinoderm. , Tian S., Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). September 29, 2017; 8 259.
Phylogeography of the sand dollar genus Encope: implications regarding the Central American Isthmus and rates of molecular evolution. , Coppard SE., Sci Rep. September 14, 2017; 7 (1): 11520.
Cryptic speciation in pan-tropical sea urchins: a case study of an edge-of-range population of Tripneustes from the Kermadec Islands. , Bronstein O., Sci Rep. July 20, 2017; 7 (1): 5948.
The skeletal proteome of the sea star Patiria miniata and evolution of biomineralization in echinoderms. , Flores RL., BMC Evol Biol. June 5, 2017; 17 (1): 125.
Preliminary molecular characterization of a proinflammatory and nociceptive molecule from the Echinometra lucunter spines extracts. , Sciani JM., J Venom Anim Toxins Incl Trop Dis. May 30, 2017; 23 43.
Validation of Astropecten jarli Madsen, 1950 and implications for A. cingulatus Sladen, 1883 (Paxillosida: Astropectinidae). , Lawrence JM., Zootaxa. May 19, 2017; 4269 (1): 101-114.
Cellular localization of relaxin-like gonad-stimulating peptide expression in Asterias rubens: New insights into neurohormonal control of spawning in starfish. , Lin M., J Comp Neurol. May 1, 2017; 525 (7): 1599-1617.
Ocean acidification impacts spine integrity but not regenerative capacity of spines and tube feet in adult sea urchins. , Emerson CE., R Soc Open Sci. May 1, 2017; 4 (5): 170140.
Collagenous Extracellular Matrix Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering: Lessons from the Common Sea Urchin Tissue. , Goh KL., Int J Mol Sci. April 25, 2017; 18 (5):
Ocean Acidification Reduces Spine Mechanical Strength in Euechinoid but Not in Cidaroid Sea Urchins. , Dery A., Environ Sci Technol. April 4, 2017; 51 (7): 3640-3648.
A puzzling homology: a brittle star using a putative cnidarian-type luciferase for bioluminescence. , Delroisse J., Open Biol. April 1, 2017; 7 (4):
Anterior Cervical Infection: Presentation and Incidence of an Uncommon Postoperative Complication. , Ghobrial GM., Global Spine J. April 1, 2017; 7 (1 Suppl): 12S-16S.
Sea urchin growth dynamics at microstructural length scale revealed by Mn-labeling and cathodoluminescence imaging. , Gorzelak P., Front Zool. February 23, 2017; 14 42.
Prehistorical and historical declines in Caribbean coral reef accretion rates driven by loss of parrotfish. , Cramer KL., Nat Commun. January 23, 2017; 8 14160.
IGF1 neuronal response in the absence of MECP2 is dependent on TRalpha 3. , de Souza JS., Hum Mol Genet. January 15, 2017; 26 (2): 270-281.
Biology of Incidental Catch Sea Star Stellaster childreni Gray, 1840 (Echinodermata: Asteroidea), from Malaysian Borneo Exclusive Economic Zone. , Hassan R., ScientificWorldJournal. January 1, 2017; 2017 1489360.
Non-destructive morphological observations of the fleshy brittle star, Asteronyx loveni using micro-computed tomography (Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea, Euryalida). , Okanishi M., Zookeys. January 1, 2017; (663): 1-19.