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Summary Anatomy Item Literature (16) Expression Attributions Wiki

Papers associated with hydrocoel

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Regeneration of the cell mass in larvae of temnopleurid sea urchins., Kasahara M., J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol. November 1, 2019; 332 (7): 245-257.

Echinoderm conundrums: Hox genes, heterochrony, and an excess of mouths., Lacalli T., Evodevo. December 22, 2014; 5 (1): 46.   

Manipulation of developing juvenile structures in purple sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) by morpholino injection into late stage larvae., Heyland A., PLoS One. December 1, 2014; 9 (12): e113866.   

How Hox genes can shed light on the place of echinoderms among the deuterostomes., David B., Evodevo. June 17, 2014; 5 22.   

A detailed staging scheme for late larval development in Strongylocentrotus purpuratus focused on readily-visible juvenile structures within the rudiment., Heyland A., BMC Dev Biol. May 19, 2014; 14 22.   

Unusual coelom formation in the direct-type developing sand dollar Peronella japonica., Tsuchimoto J., Dev Dyn. November 1, 2011; 240 (11): 2432-9.

Gene expression analysis of Six3, Pax6, and Otx in the early development of the stalked crinoid Metacrinus rotundus., Omori A., Gene Expr Patterns. January 1, 2011; 11 (1-2): 48-56.

Expression of Hox4 during development of the pentamerous juvenile sea star, Parvulastra exigua., Cisternas P., Dev Genes Evol. December 1, 2009; 219 (11-12): 613-8.

Ion flow regulates left-right asymmetry in sea urchin development., Hibino T., Dev Genes Evol. May 1, 2006; 216 (5): 265-76.

Engrailed is expressed in larval development and in the radial nervous system of Patiriella sea stars., Byrne M., Dev Genes Evol. December 1, 2005; 215 (12): 608-17.

Arrays in rays: terminal addition in echinoderms and its correlation with gene expression., Mooi R., Evol Dev. January 1, 2005; 7 (6): 542-55.

Gene expression and larval evolution: changing roles of distal-less and orthodenticle in echinoderm larvae., Lowe CJ., Evol Dev. January 1, 2002; 4 (2): 111-23.

Left-right positioning of the adult rudiment in sea urchin larvae is directed by the right side., Aihara M., Development. December 1, 2001; 128 (24): 4935-48.

Highly Derived Coelomic and Water-Vascular Morphogenesis in a Starfish with Pelagic Direct Development., Janies DA., Biol Bull. August 1, 1993; 185 (1): 56-76.

The Development and Larval Form of an Echinothurioid Echinoid, Asthenosoma ijimai, Revisited., Amemiya S., Biol Bull. February 1, 1992; 182 (1): 15-30.

Fine structure of the doliolaria larva of the feather star Florometra serratissima (Echinodermata: Crinoidea), with special emphasis on the nervous system., Chia FS., J Morphol. August 1, 1986; 189 (2): 99-120.

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