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Summary Anatomy Item Literature (459) Expression Attributions Wiki

Papers associated with gonad

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A tandem-repeat galectin-1 from Apostichopus japonicus with broad PAMP recognition pattern and antibacterial activity., Zhang C., Fish Shellfish Immunol. April 1, 2020; 99 167-175.

A Highly Prevalent and Pervasive Densovirus Discovered among Sea Stars from the North American Atlantic Coast., Jackson EW., Appl Environ Microbiol. March 2, 2020; 86 (6):   

Holothurians have a reduced GPCR and odorant receptor-like repertoire compared to other echinoderms., Marquet N., Sci Rep. February 25, 2020; 10 (1): 3348.   

Short- and long-term impacts of variable hypoxia exposures on kelp forest sea urchins., Low NHN., Sci Rep. February 14, 2020; 10 (1): 2632.   

Integrated metabolomic and transcriptomic analyses identify critical genes in eicosapentaenoic acid biosynthesis and metabolism in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius., Wang H., Sci Rep. February 3, 2020; 10 (1): 1697.   

Effect of chimeric relaxin-like gonad-stimulating peptides on oocyte maturation and ovulation in the starfish Asterias rubens and Aphelasterias japonica., Mita M., Gen Comp Endocrinol. February 1, 2020; 287 113351.

The effects of cannabidiol on male reproductive system: A literature review., Carvalho RK., J Appl Toxicol. January 1, 2020; 40 (1): 132-150.

Aspartate racemase and D-aspartate in starfish; possible involvement in testicular maturation., Shibata K., Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. January 1, 2020; 84 (1): 95-102.

Nonspecific expression of fertilization genes in the crown-of-thorns Acanthaster cf. solaris: Unexpected evidence of hermaphroditism in a coral reef predator., Guerra V., Mol Ecol. January 1, 2020; 29 (2): 363-379.

Metabolomic changes and polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis during gonadal growth and development in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius., Wang H., Comp Biochem Physiol Part D Genomics Proteomics. December 1, 2019; 32 100611.

Transcriptome analysis to characterize the genes related to gonad growth and fatty acid metabolism in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius., Wang H., Genes Genomics. December 1, 2019; 41 (12): 1397-1415.

SGK regulates pH increase and cyclin B-Cdk1 activation to resume meiosis in starfish ovarian oocytes., Hosoda E., J Cell Biol. November 4, 2019; 218 (11): 3612-3629.   

Identification of neuropeptides in the sea cucumber Holothuria leucospilota., Chieu HD., Gen Comp Endocrinol. November 1, 2019; 283 113229.

Microbial Diversity of the Red Sea Urchin Loxechinus albus during Controlled Farming in Puerto Montt, Chile, Using 16S rRNA Gene Amplicon Sequencing., Medina DA., Microbiol Resour Announc. October 17, 2019; 8 (42):   

A Crown-of-Thorns Seastar recombinant relaxin-like gonad-stimulating peptide triggers oocyte maturation and ovulation., Smith MK., Gen Comp Endocrinol. September 15, 2019; 281 41-48.

Altered actin cytoskeleton in ageing eggs of starfish affects fertilization process., Limatola N., Exp Cell Res. August 15, 2019; 381 (2): 179-190.

Identification and sequencing of the gene encoding DNA methyltransferase 3 (DNMT3) from sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus., Hong HH., Mol Biol Rep. August 1, 2019; 46 (4): 3791-3800.

Ancient role of vasopressin/oxytocin-type neuropeptides as regulators of feeding revealed in an echinoderm., Odekunle EA., BMC Biol. July 31, 2019; 17 (1): 60.   

Evaluation of two independent protocols for the extraction of DNA and RNA from different tissues of sea cucumber Isostichopus badionotus., Puch-Hau C., MethodsX. July 12, 2019; 6 1627-1634.   

Description and ecophysiology of a new species of Syndesmis Silliman, 1881 (Rhabdocoela: Umagillidae) from the sea urchin Evechinus chloroticus (Valenciennes, 1846) Mortensen, 1943 in New Zealand., Monnens M., Int J Parasitol Parasites Wildl. July 10, 2019; 10 71-82.   

Quantitative Proteome Reveals Variation in the Condition Factor of Sea Urchin Strongylocentrotus nudus during the Fishing Season Using an iTRAQ-based Approach., Shang WH., Mar Drugs. July 5, 2019; 17 (7):   

Seasonal effect in nutritional quality and safety of the wild sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus harvested in the European Atlantic shores., Rocha F., Food Chem. June 1, 2019; 282 84-94.

Molecular Cloning and Sexually Dimorphic Expression Analysis of nanos2 in the Sea Urchin, Mesocentrotus nudus., Zhang J., Int J Mol Sci. June 1, 2019; 20 (11):   

Interaction of starfish gonadotropin with its receptor: Effect of chimeric relaxin-like gonad-stimulating peptides., Mita M., Gen Comp Endocrinol. May 15, 2019; 276 30-36.

De novo transcriptomic analysis of gonad of Strongylocentrotus nudus and gene discovery for biosynthesis of polyunsaturated fatty acids., Wei Z., Genes Genomics. May 1, 2019; 41 (5): 583-597.

Structural investigation of α-l-fucosidase from the pancreas of Patiria pectinifera, based on molecular cloning., Ono A., Carbohydr Res. March 1, 2019; 475 27-33.

The effect of sex, season and gametogenic cycle on gonad yield, biochemical composition and quality traits of Paracentrotus lividus along the North Atlantic coast of Portugal., Rocha F., Sci Rep. February 28, 2019; 9 (1): 2994.   

Aquaculture Breeding Enhancement: Maturation and Spawning in Sea Cucumbers Using a Recombinant Relaxin-Like Gonad-Stimulating Peptide., Chieu HD., Front Genet. February 19, 2019; 10 77.   

Different Life Histories and Life Styles in Spatangoid Echinoids Living in the Shallow Sublittoral Zone in the Oki-Islands, Japan., Saitoh M., Zoolog Sci. February 1, 2019; 36 (1): 38-51.

Reproduction and population structure of the sea urchin Heliocidaris crassispina in its newly extended range: The Oga Peninsula in the Sea of Japan, northeastern Japan., Feng W., PLoS One. January 1, 2019; 14 (1): e0209858.   

Starfish Gonadotropic Hormone: From Gamete-Shedding Substance to Relaxin-Like Gonad-Stimulating Peptide., Mita M., Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). January 1, 2019; 10 182.   

The Axial Organ and the Pharynx Are Sites of Hematopoiesis in the Sea Urchin., Golconda P., Front Immunol. January 1, 2019; 10 870.   

Comparative genomic analysis suggests that the sperm-specific sodium/proton exchanger and soluble adenylyl cyclase are key regulators of CatSper among the Metazoa., Romero F., Zoological Lett. January 1, 2019; 5 25.   

Carryover effects of short-term UV-B radiation on fitness related traits of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius., Zhao C., Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. November 30, 2018; 164 659-664.

Putative chemosensory receptors are differentially expressed in the sensory organs of male and female crown-of-thorns starfish, Acanthaster planci., Roberts RE., BMC Genomics. November 29, 2018; 19 (1): 853.   

Trans-life cycle acclimation to experimental ocean acidification affects gastric pH homeostasis and larval recruitment in the sea star Asterias rubens., Hu MY., Acta Physiol (Oxf). October 1, 2018; 224 (2): e13075.

Parental exposure to heavy fuel oil induces developmental toxicity in offspring of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius., Duan M., Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. September 15, 2018; 159 109-119.

A novel C-type lectin from the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus (AjCTL-2) with preferential binding of d-galactose., Wang H., Fish Shellfish Immunol. August 1, 2018; 79 218-227.

Markers of oil exposure in cold-water benthic environments: Insights and challenges from a study with echinoderms., Osse M., Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. July 30, 2018; 156 56-66.

Crown-of-Thorns Sea Star Acanthaster cf. solaris Has Tissue-Characteristic Microbiomes with Potential Roles in Health and Reproduction., Høj L., Appl Environ Microbiol. June 18, 2018; 84 (13):   

Biochemical, Anatomical, and Pharmacological Characterization of Calcitonin-Type Neuropeptides in Starfish: Discovery of an Ancient Role as Muscle Relaxants., Cai W., Front Neurosci. June 8, 2018; 12 382.   

AID/APOBEC-like cytidine deaminases are ancient innate immune mediators in invertebrates., Liu MC., Nat Commun. May 16, 2018; 9 (1): 1948.   

Discovery and functional characterisation of a luqin-type neuropeptide signalling system in a deuterostome., Yañez-Guerra LA., Sci Rep. May 8, 2018; 8 (1): 7220.   

Identification and expression analysis of a TLR11 family gene in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius., Wang Y., Immunogenetics. May 1, 2018; 70 (5): 337-346.

A dose-dependent relationship between copper burden in female urchin gonads and developmental impairment of their offspring., Phillips NE., Mar Environ Res. May 1, 2018; 136 120-125.

Evaluating the promise and pitfalls of a potential climate change-tolerant sea urchin fishery in southern California., Sato KN., ICES J Mar Sci. May 1, 2018; 75 (3): 1029-1041.

Impacts of ocean acidification on sea urchin growth across the juvenile to mature adult life-stage transition is mitigated by warming., Dworjanyn SA., Proc Biol Sci. April 11, 2018; 285 (1876):

Toxigenic effects of two benthic diatoms upon grazing activity of the sea urchin: morphological, metabolomic and de novo transcriptomic analysis., Ruocco N., Sci Rep. April 4, 2018; 8 (1): 5622.   

Seasonal assessment of biological indices, bioaccumulation, and bioavailability of heavy metals in sea urchins Paracentrotus lividus from Algerian west coast, applied to environmental monitoring., Rouane-Hacene O., Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. April 1, 2018; 25 (12): 11238-11251.

Distribution and dynamic expression of serotonin and dopamine in the nervous system and ovary of Holothuria scabra during ovarian maturation., Chaiyamoon A., J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol. April 1, 2018; 204 (4): 391-407.

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