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Summary Anatomy Item Literature (62) Expression Attributions Wiki

Papers associated with adult nervous system

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Identification of neuropeptides in the sea cucumber Holothuria leucospilota., Chieu HD., Gen Comp Endocrinol. November 1, 2019; 283 113229.

A Crown-of-Thorns Seastar recombinant relaxin-like gonad-stimulating peptide triggers oocyte maturation and ovulation., Smith MK., Gen Comp Endocrinol. September 15, 2019; 281 41-48.

Ancient role of vasopressin/oxytocin-type neuropeptides as regulators of feeding revealed in an echinoderm., Odekunle EA., BMC Biol. July 31, 2019; 17 (1): 60.   

Expression of the neuropeptide SALMFamide-1 during regeneration of the seastar radial nerve cord following arm autotomy., Byrne M., Proc Biol Sci. April 24, 2019; 286 (1901): 20182701.

Starfish Gonadotropic Hormone: From Gamete-Shedding Substance to Relaxin-Like Gonad-Stimulating Peptide., Mita M., Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). January 1, 2019; 10 182.   

Biochemical, Anatomical, and Pharmacological Characterization of Calcitonin-Type Neuropeptides in Starfish: Discovery of an Ancient Role as Muscle Relaxants., Cai W., Front Neurosci. June 8, 2018; 12 382.   

Discovery and functional characterisation of a luqin-type neuropeptide signalling system in a deuterostome., Yañez-Guerra LA., Sci Rep. May 8, 2018; 8 (1): 7220.   

Functional characterization of a second pedal peptide/orcokinin-type neuropeptide signaling system in the starfish Asterias rubens., Lin M., J Comp Neurol. April 1, 2018; 526 (5): 858-876.   

Distribution and dynamic expression of serotonin and dopamine in the nervous system and ovary of Holothuria scabra during ovarian maturation., Chaiyamoon A., J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol. April 1, 2018; 204 (4): 391-407.

The complex simplicity of the brittle star nervous system., Zueva O., Front Zool. February 1, 2018; 15 1.   

Molecular mechanisms of fission in echinoderms: Transcriptome analysis., Dolmatov IY., PLoS One. January 1, 2018; 13 (4): e0195836.   

Characterization of NGFFYamide Signaling in Starfish Reveals Roles in Regulation of Feeding Behavior and Locomotory Systems., Tinoco AB., Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). January 1, 2018; 9 507.   

Differences in Small Molecule Neurotransmitter Profiles From the Crown-of-Thorns Seastar Radial Nerve Revealed Between Sexes and Following Food-Deprivation., Smith MK., Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). January 1, 2018; 9 551.   

Pedal peptide/orcokinin-type neuropeptide signaling in a deuterostome: The anatomy and pharmacology of starfish myorelaxant peptide in Asterias rubens., Lin M., J Comp Neurol. December 15, 2017; 525 (18): 3890-3917.   

A brittle star-like robot capable of immediately adapting to unexpected physical damage., Kano T., R Soc Open Sci. December 1, 2017; 4 (12): 171200.   

Functional Characterization of Paralogous Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone-Type and Corazonin-Type Neuropeptides in an Echinoderm., Tian S., Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). September 29, 2017; 8 259.   

Body wall structure in the starfish Asterias rubens., Blowes LM., J Anat. September 1, 2017; 231 (3): 325-341.   

Cellular localization of relaxin-like gonad-stimulating peptide expression in Asterias rubens: New insights into neurohormonal control of spawning in starfish., Lin M., J Comp Neurol. May 1, 2017; 525 (7): 1599-1617.   

Collagenous Extracellular Matrix Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering: Lessons from the Common Sea Urchin Tissue., Goh KL., Int J Mol Sci. April 25, 2017; 18 (5):   

Inhibition of cell proliferation does not slow down echinoderm neural regeneration., Mashanov VS., Front Zool. February 23, 2017; 14 12.   

Holothurian Nervous System Diversity Revealed by Neuroanatomical Analysis., Díaz-Balzac CA., PLoS One. March 4, 2016; 11 (3): e0151129.   

Heterogeneous generation of new cells in the adult echinoderm nervous system., Mashanov VS., Front Neuroanat. September 22, 2015; 9 123.   

Myc regulates programmed cell death and radial glia dedifferentiation after neural injury in an echinoderm., Mashanov VS., BMC Dev Biol. May 30, 2015; 15 24.   

Expression of pluripotency factors in echinoderm regeneration., Mashanov VS., Cell Tissue Res. February 1, 2015; 359 (2): 521-536.

Re-growth, morphogenesis, and differentiation during starfish arm regeneration., Ben Khadra Y., Wound Repair Regen. January 1, 2015; 23 (4): 623-34.

Neurogenesis in directly and indirectly developing enteropneusts: of nets and cords., Kaul-Strehlow S., Org Divers Evol. January 1, 2015; 15 (2): 405-422.   

High opsin diversity in a non-visual infaunal brittle star., Delroisse J., BMC Genomics. November 28, 2014; 15 1035.   

Transcriptomic changes during regeneration of the central nervous system in an echinoderm., Mashanov VS., BMC Genomics. May 12, 2014; 15 357.   

Proteolytic events are relevant cellular responses during nervous system regeneration of the starfish Marthasterias glacialis., Ferraz Franco C., J Proteomics. March 17, 2014; 99 1-25.

Radial glial cells play a key role in echinoderm neural regeneration., Mashanov VS., BMC Biol. April 18, 2013; 11 49.   

Proteases from the regenerating gut of the holothurian Eupentacta fraudatrix., Lamash NE., PLoS One. January 1, 2013; 8 (3): e58433.   

Radial nerve cord protein phosphorylation dynamics during starfish arm tip wound healing events., Franco CF., Electrophoresis. December 1, 2012; 33 (24): 3764-78.

Calbindin-D32k is localized to a subpopulation of neurons in the nervous system of the sea cucumber Holothuria glaberrima (Echinodermata)., Díaz-Balzac CA., PLoS One. January 1, 2012; 7 (3): e32689.   

Novel insights into the echinoderm nervous system from histaminergic and FMRFaminergic-like cells in the sea cucumber Leptosynapta clarki., Hoekstra LA., PLoS One. January 1, 2012; 7 (9): e44220.   

Spatiotemporal expression pattern of gonad-stimulating substance-like peptide of the sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus., Ahmed HO., Dev Growth Differ. June 1, 2011; 53 (5): 639-52.

Exploring the proteome of an echinoderm nervous system: 2-DE of the sea star radial nerve cord and the synaptosomal membranes subproteome., Franco CF., Proteomics. April 1, 2011; 11 (7): 1359-64.

Organization of glial cells in the adult sea cucumber central nervous system., Mashanov VS., Glia. October 1, 2010; 58 (13): 1581-93.

The catecholaminergic nerve plexus of Holothuroidea., Díaz-Balzac CA., Zoomorphology. May 1, 2010; 129 (2): 99-109.

Nervous system development of two crinoid species, the sea lily Metacrinus rotundus and the feather star Oxycomanthus japonicus., Nakano H., Dev Genes Evol. December 1, 2009; 219 (11-12): 565-76.

The central nervous system of sea cucumbers (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) shows positive immunostaining for a chordate glial secretion., Mashanov VS., Front Zool. June 18, 2009; 6 11.   

Neural development of the brittlestar Amphiura filiformis., Dupont S., Dev Genes Evol. March 1, 2009; 219 (3): 159-66.

Regeneration of the radial nerve cord in the sea cucumber Holothuria glaberrima., San Miguel-Ruiz JE., BMC Dev Biol. January 6, 2009; 9 3.   

Regeneration of the radial nerve cord in a holothurian: a promising new model system for studying post-traumatic recovery in the adult nervous system., Mashanov VS., Tissue Cell. October 1, 2008; 40 (5): 351-72.

Developmental origin of the adult nervous system in a holothurian: an attempt to unravel the enigma of neurogenesis in echinoderms., Mashanov VS., Evol Dev. January 1, 2007; 9 (3): 244-56.

NGIWYamide-induced contraction of tube feet and distribution of NGIWYamide-like immunoreactivity in nerves of the starfish Asterina pectinifera., Saha AK., Zoolog Sci. July 1, 2006; 23 (7): 627-32.

Nervous system development of the sea cucumber Stichopus japonicus., Nakano H., Dev Biol. April 1, 2006; 292 (1): 205-12.

Engrailed is expressed in larval development and in the radial nervous system of Patiriella sea stars., Byrne M., Dev Genes Evol. December 1, 2005; 215 (12): 608-17.

[NADPH-diaphorase localization in the radial nerve cords of the starfish Patiria pectinifera]., Kotsiuba EP., Tsitologiia. January 1, 2004; 46 (4): 346-51.

Development and distribution of the peptidergic system in larval and adult Patiriella: comparison of sea star bilateral and radial nervous systems., Byrne M., J Comp Neurol. September 16, 2002; 451 (2): 101-14.

Pattern formation in a pentameral animal: induction of early adult rudiment development in sea urchins., Minsuk SB., Dev Biol. July 15, 2002; 247 (2): 335-50.

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